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my experience

Prior to homeschooling, I used to sell new and used textbooks and resources to schools K-12. During that period of time, I learned quite a bit about what homeschool, private, and public schools were looking for inside of their curriculum choices. 

I’ve been homeschooling for over 10 years. I have become acquainted with several curriculum resources that are available to families. I have personally test driven many options, along with researching and asking other families’ about their experiences. 

Why this blog?

I am passionate about helping others learn about the available resources that are out there. When I first started homeschooling, I was overwhelmed by where and how to start. Many friends who came to me for advice suggested that I should write a blog and share my experience with others. So…here we are! I understand choosing to homeschool is a huge sacrifice and decision that many families struggle through. I’m here to help provide any knowledge that I can to help you with those concerns you may have. Check out: Articles and Curriculum & Resources for further information of online courses, books, homeschool curriculum, faith based resources, and more.

Every family has their own individual needs. There will never be a one size fits all option. This is why you will see a plethora of resource options presented. 

Considering Individual Family Needs:


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